This update also includes Safari 3, the latest version of Apple's web browser. The 10.4.11 Update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X Tiger and includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac. How To Update Os X 10.4 For Intel Laptop.How To Update Os X 10.4 For Intel Windows 7.How To Update Os X 10.4 For Intel Computer.How To Update Os X 10.4 For Intelligent.How To Update Os X 10.4 For Intellectual.Not only you can download Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger ISO or DMG but if you are having a slow or unstable internet connection then you might consider downloading the ISO file by using the torrent application by the given direct links. If you are interested to experience an amazing operating system then Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger might be the one for you.